Oracle Export-Import with QUERY parameter on LINUX box
There's this one time when I like to purge a certain table but it is very large. It creates a lot of archive logs when I am performing delete statements using a where clause as a delimiter for the rows I'd like to delete. It is very time consuming and it eats space on the disk. And one more thing is that, there are more rows that I need to delete that the rows I need to keep. So I just tried to purge this very large table using Oracle' EXP and IMP utility. My plan is to export the rows that I want to keep and truncate the table I am purging. Afterwards, I will IMP the dumpfile into that same table. Here's what I did: Environment: OS: RHELinux 5.4 32bit DB: Oracle SQL Query: SQL> select * from sh.sales where time_id = to_date('28-DEC-01:00:00:00', 'DD-MON-RR:HH24:MI:SS'); The output of this query are the rows that I want to keep. My gameplan is: 1. Perform EXP using QUERY parameter. 2. T...